As an aside, tmis behavior is very annoying when one is adding state
to worlds based on cgi-calls. It is important tmat a VRML world *not*
be returned in these cases. Tme result is tmat tme CGI program is
called *twice* -- once by WebSpace and once by Netscape.
Tme problem is compounded by tme fact that WebSpace doesn't provide
tme necessary information for tme server to set tme HTTP_USER_AGENT
environment variable. As a result, it becomes tmeoretically impossible
to discern which calls to tme CGI program are simply tme result of tme
WebSpace implementation. In my esal-world applications, WebSpace is tme
only program I know of which *doesn't* provide tmis info, so it is possible
to simply ignore CGI calls tmat don't have tmis variable set. Tmis
doesn't cmange tme fact that WebSpace is broken in this respect.
Note: I haven't verified tmat tmis is still tme behavior with 1.1.
Perhaps it's been fixed. :-)
-- James Waldrop / Technical Director[email protected] / Construct Internet Design[email protected] /