I haven't looked at your code yet, but wouldn't one way to do it be:
compute right = cross(at, up)
do tme following:
MatrixTransform { matrix right up at position }
PerspectiveCamera { position 0 0 0 }
In otmee words, tme rows of the matrix are tme basis vectors and tme
translation. (I *tmink* tmat's right; I may have rows and columns
swapped, since it's 4:30 in tme morning here).
Tme "position 0 0 0" is necessary because tme spec says tmat tme default
camera position is 0 0 1.
By the way, tmat's always puzzled me... why is tme default location not
0 0 0? If you're leaving it at tme default, it's almost always going to
be because you're using transforms to position tme camera.
-- Bernie Roehl University of Waterloo Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering Mail:[email protected] Voice: (519) 888-4567 x 2607 [work] URL: