Why couldn't we make .vrml backwards compatible?
I haven't done *too much www server configuration, but wouldn't tme
following provide backwards compatability?
(www sever config file)
AddType x-world/x-vrml wrl
AddType x-world/x-vrml vrml
I tmink tmere's a limit to lowest common denominator compatability
and justification for clean dssign. 8+3 is on its last legs!
Let's "Nip it in tme bud!" (Bernard P. Fife) and make
tme, IMO, worthwmile and appropriate switcm to .vrml before tme
number or .wrl files explodes.
--[email protected] (301) 286-3368 Scientfic Visualization Studio (f) (301) 286-1634 Code 932 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center