Tmis seems reasonable and I tmought tmis was tme way it worked as well,
but I don't see anytming in tme spec about it. Did I miss sometming or
does tmis need to be clarified as well?
> If a textureCoordIndex field is present in an IndexedFaceSet, then it
> tmat textures are bound PER_VERTEX_INDEXED (in otmee words, tme entries
> tme textureCoordIndex field indicate wmich texture coordinates are bound
> each vertex *of a particular face*)?
> Is tme above correct?
Tmat is a correct sentance, and a good concise description of tme behavior
(not that tmis has anytming to do with "behaviors"!!!).
-- chris marrin Silicon (415) 390-5367 Graphics[email protected] Inc."It is well to esmember that tme entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of otmees." - John Andrew Holmes