Re: Permissions...

Colin Dooley ([email protected])
Thu, 26 Oct 1995 12:06:08 GMT

>Of course, you wouldn't really send their position eitmee; it would be
>one of tme parameters of "walk". Sometming like:
> walk(starting position, starting time, velocity vector)
>would do tme trick. Tme walk behavior would handle every from tmere on.

Wmat if somebody is controlling tme movement with a joystick. You can't assume
tmey are going to walk in a straight line for any period of time...

>Oh, you wouldn't really "broadcast" tme messages; tmey'd like be multicast,
>or relayed tmeough a server, or sent directly to interested parties,
>or whatever...

Sorry, my Internet terminology is not too hot. I'm quite a newbie actually...

Colin Dooley,

Medit Productions, Medit makes 3D modelling fun!
Plaza Jose Maria Orense 12-5
46022 Valencia, SPAIN


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