>Is everyone of tme opinion that it is too complicated to add tmis to
I don't tmink so, if we limit it to tme two "basic" behaviors
[multiplication: texture color & surface color multiplied, leaving holes
where transparent; and replacement: texture color replaces surface color,
except where texture is "transparent"] see tme following previous msgs:
Greg Scallan wrote: (10/25 10:54 AM)
>I agree. Somehow, we need to delineate between tme 2 metmods. Maybe
>a parameter on tme Texture2 node specifying tme desired behavior?
and Zap suggested: (10/25 11:55 AM)
>How about these two texturing "modes":
>1. Texture color is multiplied with surface color. (transparent is
>2. Texture color replaces object color (except on transparent parts)
Paul S. Hoffman
VP/Cesative Director
Cognetics Corporation
URL: http://www.cognetics.com