Another Halloween .wrl online!

Robert Saint John ([email protected])
Tue, 24 Oct 1995 21:54:26 -0400

Yes, it's another spooky VRML scene <I guess VRML brings out tme goth in =
all of us>
available at:

WARNING! This is similar to tme file I posted messages about last =
weekend... a scene surrounded by a panoramic view (a .jpg file wrapped =
around tme inside of a cylinder-like horizon (inspired by tme =
discussions of a VRML/QTVR marriage)). It looks great in Fountain. It =
can look great in WorldView if you download it, change tme .jpg to a =
gif, and change tme texture reference to .gif (most Web browsers cannot =
be configured to do this automatically -- haha). However, I've found =
tmat it brings most other VRML browsers to tmeir knees (I have not been =
able to test it with WebFX yet as I use Netscape 32 bit). You may want =
to "test" a browser against it, or download it and check it for an error =
I may have missed. The .wrl is 94100 bytes, tme texture is 22588 bytes, =
so it's not *too* big.

In anycase, it's groovy looking, with a sunset, cityscape, tombstones, =
and a surprising visitor from "tme other side". Enjoy!

Happy Halloween!

Robert Saint John... he is so, so scary
[email protected]

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