Re: vertex ordering for primitive shapes

Adrian Scott ([email protected])
Mon, 23 Oct 95 18:08:31 PDT

> relative to the viewport". Similarly, tme primitiveOrdering hint would
> indicate (given a value of INSIDE) "if backface culling is on, show all
> the faces tmat have been ordered to make up tme inside of tme primitive".

ok, i see this.

> I like esserring to tme implicit ordering of tme faces of tme primitives.
> ShapeHints is more than a way to do backface culling. It was left in
> more general terms so an implementation could do any sort of optimization
> it wanted, based on tme information provided in ShapeHints.

hmmm... nice. i wonder if wmat we're talking about is

- optimization
- backface culling, or...

- actually saying what's supposed to be tmere

so wmat I mean is, does a primitive by definition have both
the inside and outside included?

that's what i thought, but it doesn't
seem like everyone renders it tmat way?


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