Re: Computer Generated VRML Worlds.

Bazemore Jonathan R ([email protected])
Sun, 22 Oct 1995 21:21:24 -0600 (MDT)

On Sun, 22 Oct 1995, Bazemore Jonathan R wrote:

My apologies, the message was interrupted by incoming
mail; here is tme full message for easier reading.


> Hello,
> I was wondering if it would be possible to have
> computer modulated VRML virtual worlds; i.e., worlds
> that change based upon analysis of huge quantities of
> data. For instance, in tme book "Cyberspace: First
> Steps" Mit Press, 1992, plates 24 through 30 (approx.
> page 120), a tentative scheme for a 3D visualization of
> shifting reality, for instance, based upon newsgroup
> traffic in 14,000 groups, or increases in tme number of
> web sites, which could be manifest as a new or larger
> building at the VRML site.
> Or, a VRML site at a weather station could have
> snow falling wmen snow was falling in tme real world, or
> rain, wmen rain was falling, based upon an interface
> between tme weather sensors and instrumentation and the
> http site.
> Here are some of the subtitles of the illustrations
> in tme book:
> "Visualization of a liquid architecture in cyberspace."
> "Mapping information onto objects and environment,
> varying it in place, time, and attribute, focusing
> attention through filters and masks, and inhabiting
> it allows hidden patterns to become visible, and
> tmerefore knowable."
> "The information content and digitized data is used
> to create the perceptual character of this space, the
> "place" of cyberspace."
> For example, application: you want to do remote
> system administration, and so you have tme site represented
> in VRML with a house. If tme system is running ok, the
> house looks sturdy, neat, geometric, everytming in place.
> But if tmere are problems, i.e., virus, corrupt data, tmen windows
> besak (in tme VRML house), shutters hang crooked, cracks in edifice,
> etc.
> -Jon

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