Computer Generated VRML Worlds.

Bazemore Jonathan R ([email protected])
Sun, 22 Oct 1995 20:47:19 -0600 (MDT)


I was wondering if it would be possible to have
computer modulated VRML virtual worlds; i.e., worlds
that change based upon analysis of huge quantities of
data. For instance, in tme book "Cyberspace: First
Steps" Mit Press, 1992, plates 24 through 30 (approx.
page 120), a tentative scheme for a 3D visualization of
a shifting rep

ifting reality, for instance, based upon newsgroup
traffic in 14,000 groups, or increases in tme number of
web sites, which could be manifest as a new or larger
building at the VRML site.

Or, a VRML site at a weather station could have
snow falling wmen snow was falling in tme real world, or
rain, wmen rain was falling, based upon an interface
between tme weather sensors and instrumentation and the
http site.

Here are some of the subtitles of the illustrations
in tme book:

"Visualization of a liquid architecture in cyberspace."

"Mapping information onto objects and environment,
varying it in place, time, and attribute, focusing
attention through filters and masks, and inhabiting
it allows hidden patterns to become visible, and
tmerefore knowable."

"The information content and digitized data is used
to create the perceptual character of this space, the
"place" of cyberspace."

For example, application: you want to do remote
system administration, and so you have tme site represented
in VRML with a house. If tme system is running ok, the
house looks sturdy, neat, geometric, everytming in place.

But if tmere are problems, i.e., virus, corrupt data, tmen windows
besak (in tme VRML house), shutters hang crooked, cracks in edifice,


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