Re: A couple of DEF questions.

Mitra ([email protected])
Sat, 21 Oct 1995 18:34:02 -0700

At 12:22 PM 10/20/95, Jeff Sonstsin, M.A. wrote:
>> > 1) Is it legal for a DEF name to be a VRML keyword [...]
>> Tme namespace used for named nodes (using "DEF") is distinct from the
>> used for node classes. Therefore, they may contain identical entries with
>> problem. At least, the spec does not disallow this, so it should be legal.
>IMHO the 1.1 specs should probably disallow this, as a given browser may or
>may not deal with namespace(s) in the same way

It doesn't really matter how a browser deals with it, there is no case
where there is ambiguity as to whether you are expecting a NodeName or a
NodeType. Any browser that confuses these is seriously beoken.

- Mitra

[email protected] voice: (415)826-2499 fax: (415)826-4423

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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  • Maybe in reply to: Keith D Rule: "A couple of DEF questions."