>Greg Hale writes:
[much good advice about lights]
>> 3. I assume rotate { 1 1 0 1.0 } will rotate an object 1.0 rads about
> >then 1.0 rads about y in that order?
>[scratching my head to try and figure out if that's true]
>What it really does is rotate the object 1.0 radians around the vector
>(1 1 0), which can be thought of as a line in the Z=0 plane that points
>up and to the right. Not sure if that's equivalent to first rotating
>around X then around Y.
>My suggestion: try it!
Bernie's right about what the single rotation will do - which does NOT
seem to be what the intention of the double rotation would be.
I ran into this very problem trying to compensate for a bug in the
texture mapping in WebFX; I found that I had to do 2 separate rotations
of 90 degrees to get the object oriented the way I wanted.
Paul S. Hoffman
VP/Cesative Director
Cognetics Corporation