Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding

James Waldrop ([email protected])
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 09:54:59 -0700

Master Zap wrote:
>-- [ From: Master Zap * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
>> Master Zap wrote:
>> >I can't imagine where you got the notion that I, or my proposal, only
>> >included determinsitic behavior!?!? How did you get that idea!??!?
>> You said so.
>>> on what can go in the Engines is unnecessarily restrictive.
>Note ^^^^^^^!!
>I answered:
>>Yes and no. Initially I wanted to "forbid" anything non-deterministic. I am
>slowly >changing my mind, and I think I would allow some small amount of
>nondeterminisms, >and slight deviations from the STRICT function-of-time
>We were discussing the engines. Not the whole behaviour.

Sorry, I'm used to have some context provided in a message, and lost
track of it between the messages on the list and the other 20 or so
that came in that hour.


James Waldrop				/   Technical Director
[email protected]		/	    Construct Internet Design
[email protected]		/

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