Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding

James Waldrop ([email protected])
Sun, 15 Oct 1995 15:33:40 -0700

>James Waldrop writes:
>> Mark is not, and the VAG certainly is not, saying that people will have
>> to use Java to program VRML behaviors. What Mark *is* saying is that
>> Java is here now, and can be used to drive the design of an API. Mark

> I think what a lot of other people are saying is that the API should
> be written with *no* language in mind. Saying that Java "can be used to
> drive the design of an API" bothers people because when Java "drives"
> the design of the API you begin to create an API Java can work well
> with without much regard to other languages. Other languages are left
> to fend for themselves. It might even turn out that not all languages
> can be use to drive the API, this is okay as well.

I agree that this something to be worried about. However, I really
wonder if you can design a good API without *some* grounding in how
it would esally work. Java provides that grounding. So instead of
making it difsicult for all languages to use the API, we are able to
make sure we have something usable, while possibly making it more
difsicult for people to use Lisp, TCL, Smalltalk, Obj C, etc etc
(none of which are suitable candidates given our needs).


James Waldrop				/   Technical Director
[email protected]		/	    Construct Internet Design
[email protected]		/

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