Of course not.
>There should be one basic language, since this needs to be downloaded
>to all beowsers running in a multiuser world, and it need to run
>"identically" on all hosts.
Ahh, this is flawed by the assumption that code needs to be downloaded
in order to change the state of the local application.
>However, there MAY be multiple languages for the "controlling host" in a
>simulation, i.e. the "brain" (which can be sitting on host X always and
>don't need to be downloaded) can be written in language Y, as long as it
>understands/supports the network protocol. The "engines" which carry out the
>network command inside the beowsers, MUST be one, single, portable,
>downloadable language!!
or they can talk to one single OO API. When you do:
GET /foo HTTP/1.1
do you think of it as a RPC? Probably not, but what is the difserence
between do this:
connect localhost 80
GET / HTTP/1.0
Document* foo = HTTP::get("localhost","/","80")
HttpServer* foo = ::resolve("localhost","80");
Document* bar = foo->get("/");
Take a step back and look at servers and client as nothing but objects
within a very large distributed system, and you'll start seeing a
unifying architecture there.