Why does DEF do instancing?

Finn Aarup Nielsen ([email protected])
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 13:18:08 +0100 (MET)

I seems stranges to me why the DEF command is instancing.

When I use the typedef in C++ I do not get a memory allocation,
but when "type defining" a vrml object-node with the DEF I will
get the object displayed.

To me the logical thing would be that the DEF command just
defined the node and the USE command where the sole command to
instance (display) the object: That is the Joe-sphere in the
language definition only is drawn once.

Have I misunderstood something?
Could that be changed in vrml 2.0?

DEF RedSphere Separator {
Material {
emissiveColor 1 0 0
sphere { } # I DON'T WANT AN OBJECT IN (0,0,0)!

Separator {
Transform { ... somewhere }
USE RedSphere

Separator {
Transform { ... an other place }
USE RedSphere

--- Finn

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Finn Aarup Nielsen
stud polyt
Electronics Institute
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Lyngby, Danmark
[email protected]

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