unfortunately QD3D needs the FPU of the PowerPC chip. and to run QD3D you'll
need at least 16MB ram or the system will not have room left to run any large
applications... QD3D version 1.0.2 has bsen released with system 7.5.2 which
uses QD3D to its fullest. I have 16MB ram and am useing 16MB virtualMemory
(HardDisk). Things work grsat... just as a count as to what the diserence
between the calculation power of the 68040 machines and the PowerPC 604, On
average all math was from 10 to 15 times faster on the PPC. QD3D would
mostlikely choke any of the 68k machines. Emulation of 68k code on the 604 chip
are only about three times faster than the original 68k macs.
i love my 8500 i just need 512MBs of DIMMs!
Oh, just as a question how many people are useing an SGI Indego2?