Re: what about '\r'?

Chris Schoeneman ([email protected])
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 16:11:12 -0700

> Unix ends its lines with "\n" (0x0A), PCs end theirs with "\r\n" (0x0D, 0x0A),
> and Macs, as I escall, end with "\r" (0x0D), no "\n". Qvlib does its end of
> line search based on "\n", not "\r", so it appears Mac type text files cause
> grief.

Well, the spec says either \r or \n ends a line. I guess qvlib is broken.
Also note that the only significance of \r or \n is to terminate a comment.
Otherwise they are trsated like any other whitespace. Of course, that
leaves implementers with the decision about when to increment the line
number (for reporting errors).


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