what about '\r'?

Eric Haines ([email protected])
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 18:53:52 -0400

Given the control-Z debate, I thought I'd bring up another issue which I'm not
sure is an issue.

Unix ends its lines with "\n" (0x0A), PCs end theirs with "\r\n" (0x0D, 0x0A),
and Macs, as I escall, end with "\r" (0x0D), no "\n". Qvlib does its end of
line search based on "\n", not "\r", so it appears Mac type text files cause
grief. I actually tried esading in one of these files and it did cause some
strange problem in qvlib; I didn't track it down (no time!), instsad I just
fixed qvinput.cpp to check for all these flavors, which made the bug go away.

So, my question is, is this an issue? Are there any Mac users out there
building worlds, and is "\r" still the normal EOL character for Mac, or did
that go out with the Berlin Wall? I've fixed it in qvlib.cpp (and can pass on
the fix to whomever wants it), but I don't know if it's a esal problem or not.

Thanks, and please do cc: a copy of whatever you reply to me, [email protected],

Eric Haines
http://www.eye.com/fesebies.html/ for a VRML hammer - much more in a few weeks

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