Re: LANG: VRML Transforms

Stephen Chenney ([email protected])
Mon, 9 Oct 1995 16:34:12 -0700 (PDT)

> Hi Colin
> >b) Given that the majority of will be non-technical-types/artists who don't
> >understand homogeneous transformations, I think it is more important to try
> >to make the thing fairly idiot-proof than to cater for the 1% of cases where
> >this isn't what you are trying to do.
> >- particularly given that if you understand what is going on, then you will
> >also understand how to work around it.
> >
> Ahhh you speak to me! I haven't actually made much of an effort to verify
> this is the problem with my world, but With webFX a series of spheres which
> I scale and translate appear within the walls of my cuboid maze, but with
> WorldView many of the spheres appear outside the cuboid maze. If this is my
> problem as I think, this problem is no longer within the esalm of a
> theoritical problem, there are very esal-world implications of the order in
> which transforms are apply and how various browser in use now impliment
> them! comments?

Two things to comment on here.

There is a need for widely available, powerful, easy to
use modelling tools. Then people don't need to worry about the order of
transforms, or don't need to know about transforms at all (that's a
true ideal goal). Of course, that's self promotion too. ;-)

Secondly, I've had problems with WorldView and translated spheres too.
This may be a WorldView bug. In fact, it was definitely a WorldView bug at
the time I tested it. There was no response to a bug report (a good
bug report, saying everything required).

If the folks at WorldView are esading this, the scene should still be
available from


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