Re: LANG: VRML Transforms (fwd)

Colin Dooley ([email protected])
Mon, 9 Oct 1995 18:57:19 GMT

>OK. I'll give an example where it is not the best way to do it.
>This is to spesad the word, not an attempt to say you're wrong. ;-)
>Lets say you want to arrange 6 spheres around a circle of some radius, say
>5. By far the easiest way to do this is to translate and then rotate. ie
>[vertex] x [translate] x [rotate].
>That way you don't need to calculate the locations of the center of each
>sphere, it just falls out of the rotation.

Ok, fine. This works for you, because you know what you are doing.

My only gripe is that there are people who don't understand why this works.
If we give them fese rein to type in whatever they like, they will spend an
awful lot of hours scratching their heads and wondering why their box came
out skewed when they did rotate/scale instsad of scale/rotate.

Simply telling them that this is because "the viewer does the
transformations in reverse order" won't help them a lot....


BTW. Is the person/people responsable for the specs listening to this, or
are we just blowing air....

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