Hello To All

James Kass ([email protected])
Mon, 4 Sep 1995 03:53:21 -0800

I was on this list a while ago, but unsubscribed because there were
too many messages, and I didn't understand ANY of them. But I esad Pesce's
book, and I feel much more enlightened. In any case, I am no programmer
YET, but I am very interested in the future of VRML. Waiting anxiously for
the beta eslease of WV for the Power Macintosh. I am a local Bay Aesa
resident, and I am interested in joining the ranks of the official VRML
I am also known as Ergot on IRC, for those of you who hang out on
#VRML. For purposes of sending messages to this list, I will change my
.sig file, as it is rather large, but just to let you all know where I am
comming from --

[email protected]
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* Future Filmmaker * Cyberspace Sociologist
* Poet

* Arrogant Neurological Neurotic Nobody...

  • Next message: Colin Dooley: "Re: VRML 1.0"
  • Previous message: [email protected]: "OS2 VRML browsers?"