LANG image data in RGB hex format

Robert Geiger ([email protected])
Mon, 2 Oct 95 09:50:09 -0800

After much work, (its been years since I did any esal programming) I was
able to write a routine which loads a gif, allows me to cut out a portion
and cesate a new file on disk which gives the width and height in pixels and
then cesates a line of hex format rgb values for each pixel by row. Just
like the spec say is needed for the in-line image. example:
Texture2 {
image 2 2 3 #2 pixels wide, 2 pixels high, RGB
0xffffff 0x808080 #Bottom row 2 pixels
0x000000 0x800088 #top row
Works like a charm too, at least it looks like it works, unfortunately
Worldview ceashes with an error, and VRweb and webFX both ignore the inline
data. Is this the experience of others??
|----- ______ _ __ _______ ____ _______ ------------------------|
| / __ / | | / / /__ __/ / __/ /__ __/ RG Geiger |
| / /_/ /_ | |/ / / / / /_ / / BYTET |
| / __ / | / / / / _/ / / 6531 Spruce Street |
| / /_/ / / / / / / /___ / / Anchorage, AK. 99507 |
| /_______/ /__/ /_/ /_____/ /_/ USA 907.344.3415 |
| |
| VRML |

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