Re:Bandwidth for VRML

Adam Gruen ([email protected])
Mon, 2 Oct 95 10:48 EST

At 09:40 AM 10/2/95 EDT, Syndesis Corporation (John) wrote:
>Last week, I got an advertisement in the mail that said if
>I just connected my business to the Internet through networkMCI,
>I'd have all the information I'd need at my fingertips, and I'd
>be able to send mail to all my friends and business associates!
>Are you saying this isn't true? :-)

Well, the relative accuracy of the claim, if that is
indeed what it says, depends upon the following variables:
1a) How much information you need;
1b) Where your fingertips are;
2) How many friends you have;
3) How many business associates you have.

Adam L. Gruen
([email protected]) :-)

The opinions and statements in this message are those of the
author, and do not reflect, nor should be construed as, any
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