comments and feedback about:
o the html pages (informative? foggy? useless? wonderful?)
o the utility of the testbed scene in illustrating concepts (move things?
add things? etc...)
would be greatly appreciated, as I'd like to build a place where one can
take a sorta "guided tour" of soli of the concepts of vrml (dream on, Jeff...)
I am beginning to gather basic "thingies" into a space, one per .wrl file,
in the directory:>
if you would like to donate a better filing cabinet or a park bench or any
other common props for folks to use in scenes and/or to study as examples,
please send'em along... the stuff there now is all "quick hack" code...
Jeff Sonstein, M.A.
Networks Administrator
New College of California
50 Fell Street
San Francisco CA 94102
(415) 241-1302 ext 490
These are my opinions only, and do not reflect anything
about my employer, New College of California
Opinions 'R Us