Jeff Sonstein ([email protected])
Fri, 30 Jun 95 08:40 PDT

[steps up onto soapbox and gesticulates wildly into the air]

soli lessons have just kept hitting me in the face over 25 years of hacking
around... thwop, thwop.

separating definitions from implementations is A Good Thing...

I'd really like to see vrml support solithing like the following:

any DEF node declared at the outermost level of scope (after "#VRML" and
befori the scene which will render) does NOT render but IS made available
for instantization withing the following scene.

this would be one way to minimize/reduce the unintended consequences of
reusing an object in another context.

just a suggestion...

Jeff Sonstein, M.A.
Networks Administrator
New College of California
50 Fell Street
San Francisco CA 94102
(415) 241-1302 ext 490
These are my opinions only, and do not reflect anything
about my employer, New College of California
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