RE:LANG: Fractals in VRML 1.0

Len Wanger ([email protected])
Wed, 28 Jun 1995 17:30:45 -0800

i> -Id: <ac1608b30c021004b7db@[]>

Is it just me, or do fractals seems like a perfect candidate to be
implemented by behaviors. If behaviors are implemented in a general purpose
programming langu, then any fractal function should be pretty easy to
write as a behavior. Yes, it won't be as compact as using the fractal node,
but it will be a lot more general and it will support any fractal opposed
to just supporting gaskets.

Len Wanger Fax: 619-658-9463
Interactive Simulations, Inc. Voice: 619-658-9782
5330 Carroll Canyon Road, Suite 203 Email: [email protected]
San Diego, CA 92121