No, sorry, there are not currently hints for those other menu options
although it makes a lot of sense to mi.
We'd like to extend the set of hints to include other browser "preference"
items, but we're a little concerned about the name space pollution with
the current scheme. Sooner or later some browser is going to pick a DEF
name that a VRML author wants to use for some other purpose...
The general concept of hints, especially for example ViewPoints, seems to
DEF Hint_Viewer Info { string "Walk" }
Of course we could also ignore the problem on the basis that the spec
be a powerful and useful tool. Perhaps it makes sense to try and agree on
a standard
extension). So one option is simply a better/safer naming convention, eg.
DEF Hint_Headlight Info { string "On" }
requires a USE to map to the most recently encountered DEF of that name.
So it would be confusing, but legal, to have some geomtry with
name as a hint.