HISTORY<-- The Lidless Ey>

Adam Gruen ([email protected])
Tue, 27 Jun 95 08:09 EST

On June 26 Justin wrote:

>I just got around to poking into the TGS home p, and I am *very*
>disappointed by what I've found there. TGS has apparently decided to
>claim all credit for VRML for itself and SGI; the discussion ps
>are riddled with claims like:
>"VRML 1.0 was developed by Silicon Graphics' Open
> Inventor engineering team."
>This goes on for some whil>, and boils down to a political screed;r/i>
>it looks like TGS has decided that it doesn't like not having gotten
>all the credit, and so is taking it. I find the pages arrogant and
>offensive, and I'm really forced to wonder what in the world motivated
>this sort of self-aggrandizement.

Don't worry about it.

As a PR wonk, I can tell you that this kind of hoopla
is necessary partly to win heart and minds within
the org or on Wall Street.

As a historian I can assure you that such claims
are rarely used even as supporting evidence.

And as a historian of VRML, let me just say: VERITAS PRAVALET.
Or have you forgotten the lurker allies?

Dr Adam L. Gruen
([email protected])

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