I just got around to poking into the TGS home p, and I am *very*
disappointed by what I've found there. TGS has apparently decided to
claim all credit for VRML for itself and SGI; the discussion ps
are riddled with claims like:
"VRML 1.0 was developed by Silicon Graphics' Open
Inventor engineering team."
This goes on for some whil>, and boils down to a political screed;rbr>
it looks like TGS has decided that it doesn't like not having gotten
all the credit, and so is taking it. I find the pages arrogant and
offensive, and I'm really forced to wonder what in the world motivated
this sort of self-aggrandizement.
Further, as far as I can tell, TGS has dropped the pretense that the
I'm annoyed, I'll admit it; I'm happy to admit that SGI
-- Justin
Random Quot> du Jour:
"Junk FoodP Any packaged processed food such as cookies, candy, and potato
IV/WRL overlap in its support was an accident; it now brags about the
fact that it accepts IV files, and makes it >ound very much like it
will do so permanently. So much for not playing Netscape<-- this is
*precisely* the way that Netscape
language and then using its position in the market to push them.
else is entirely incidental, and that Open Inventor >hould really be
doing the driving. I'm saddened to find that my worst expectations have
apparently been realized...
Who had gone over there to pick up a copy
of WebSpace, now that I've got NT, but
has just decided to stick with
chips, the bulk of whose nutritional value is contained in the
box or bag it comes in."
-- Henry Beard