Shane Davison ([email protected])
Sun, 25 Jun 1995 23:15:41 -0600 (CST)

Hi. My name is Shane Davison and I'm very interested in VRML -
but I'm still quite new to all of this. I am a computer science
student at the University of Regina (Sask., Canada) studyingrbr> programming, graphics, and AI. You may know that one of our
profi> ors (P.W. Prusinkiewicz) (co)-wrot> the book "The
Algorithmic Beauty of Plants". I'm also the list moderator
for _the trueSpace Mailing List_ (Caligari will soon have
some "VRML products") and have just finished my first Web page
project (

Now, I have a small problem. I can't seem to get Netscape pass my .wrl's along to Webspace (SGI) - NS just loads them
in as text. It works fine with everyone else's .wrl's but
not mine (no problems loading them into Webspace directly).
Is there anything special I have to do the them or the links
or am I just forgetting some small item ? (if this isn't
the place for these questions, any pointers in the right
direction are appreciated)
