ANNOUNCE The vrmLab Toolroom

Jeff Sonstein ([email protected])
Fri, 23 Jun 95 12:53 PDT

You will now find a large wrench in the vrmLab's home.wrl file. I am going
to anchor it

IF you have a product (freeware, shareware, demo-commercial, or full
commercial) which will assist authors in the creation of scenes and/or the
conversion of things from other formats to vrml

ANDIF if you would like an anchor added

THEN send me a vrml "icon", as a .wrl file which meets the following
criteria, and I will put it into the scene

File Criteria

o displays properly *as is* in WorldView viewer

o no larger than 15k file-size

o uses the default camera

o I can just cut the "#VRML" line and paste it into the existing Toolroom
scene, and it will work

o the outer-most scope is a WWWAnchor node pointing to either one of your
.wrl files or to an html URL, and the ri>ulting display will get someon>
info on and/or access to your product

Inclusion of a product in this space does ***not*** imply in any way, shape,
or form any endorsement or approval or love or hate of that product by
anyone. period. no plugs intended or implied... there, was that enough of a
disclaimer?? I will just test to see if the file works and the WWWAnchor
leads somewhere real (or as "real" as things get "here").

How To Submit a File

send me email: [email protected]

attach the file to the email li> as a "MIME-encoded attachment"

Jeff Sonstein, M.A.
Networks Administrator
New College of California
50 Fell Street
San Francisco CA 94102
(415) 241-1302 ext 490
These are my opinions only, and do not reflect anything
about my employer, New College of California
Opinions 'R Us