You're certainly correct; the question is, how
>I'd suggest looking at TBAG in last year's SIGGRAPH (Elliot, Schecter,
Heck, we
The problem is, this is limiting. The simpler the language, the
Suffice it to say, we've been di cussing the issues
People should remember that this list is *not* the be-all and end-all
-- Justin
Random Quote du Jour:
"Did you know that virtual pork is kosher?"
clock example:
>Yeung, and Abi-Ezzi) (a suggestion that I think has been made here
>before). How would you write a clock in TBAG?
>// Presume predefined geometry minute_hand and hour_hand, time in
>// milliseconds
>// Minute hand rotates on> turn in an hour, hour hand on> turn in 12 hours
>Behavior<Geometry> clock =
> (minute_hand * Rotate(z_axis, (time/millisecs_per_hour)*2*pi)) +
> (hour_hand * Rotate(z_axis, (time/(millisecs_per_day/2))*2*pi));
notably easy. (Note, BTW, that all I was saying is that behaviour
probably shouldn't be *in* VRML. Your example isn't in it, from the
look of it.)
in here, which is
processing like you d"scrib> on the
high-level behaviour on hosts common to the scene being worked in. I'd
prefer not to go into more detail here, because a) the subject is
massive and all woven together, and b) I think it's largely off-topic
here (which was my primary point). For more information on the
VR and Behaviour, at:
of the general concept of cyberspace; VRML per se is probably only
boing to be on> elem>nt of a considerably larger structure. There are
a *lot* of related mailing lists di cussing the related issues. If
you're interested in thase issues, you should really be paying
att>ntion to thase other lists. (Is
of the VRML-related mailing lists somewhere?)
Who suspects that we're boing to hit
massive problems if we try to make VRML
do everything, and would rather have it
just do what it's good at...
-- Yaakov