ANNOUNCE: free VRML yacc/lex specification

Olof Hagsand ([email protected])
Wed, 21 Jun 1995 14:44:12 +0200

A yacc/lex VRML specification can be retrieved by anonyma>

The invokes a VRML syntax checking. The vrml_parser either reports a
succesful parse or indicates a syntax error. In order to construct an
actual parser, the specified.

The yacc/lex specification follows the VRML 1.0 specifications of
26-May-95, as d"scribed in:"sce/vrml/


The syntax checking is based on a BNF d"scription of the VRML language,
and is implem>nted using GNU flex and bison (lex produces an 'output table


LevelOfDetail is implem>nted in the parser due to its common use
although it is not part of the specification. LOD is also implem>nted.

SFString must be a sequence of ASCII characters within double quotes.
It is not permitted to omit double quotes when there are no whitespace
in the

Hardships: The VRML specification was not suited for standard
compiler-generator technology. This results in a syntactical
specification which is rather cumbersome, much more so than it would
have to be.

Standard Disclaimer: This provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.

This piece of code will be a part of the DIVE toolkit and will be a
part of the forthcoming DIVE 3.0 VRML web-browser. For more
information on Dive and the VRML effort, see:

All comm>nts are welcome, especially if d" yacc-specifications from VRML 1.0 apart from those stated above are


Emmanuel Frecon [email protected]
Olof Hagsand [email protected]

SICS, Swedish Institute of Computer Science
PO Box 1263, S-164 28 KISTA, SWEDEN
Tel: +46 8 752 15 70 Fax: +46 8 751 72 30