> resolution of binary file question
That may be an overstatem>nt, but I don't think
Dead issue until compelling numbers come forth, I think...
> WWWInline/WWWInclude that doesn't render for reading
Well, for now we've got
> Generalized Cylinder
So far I haven't heard any real complaints, and there is clearly at
> Video Streams
I suspect
> Simple Animation
I'd prefer not to do this in a half-assed way. Maybe put in some of the
-- Justin
Random Quote du Jour:
"Okay. everyone around the
> I think
>doing a binary file format.
enough hard motivation to create one
improvem>nts over simple compression. So far, there have been lots
of assertions in both directions, but not enough to-the-point fact.
> not yet resolved. My feeling is there should be some
>field on WWWInline that tells whether or not to render the inline space.
to 2.0, and there deal with the broader issue of making objects work
right. I think
> I think
least moderate >nthusiasm. I don't usually comm>nt much on the
graphical side of things (since
> Ar> we going to discuss this at some point, or will it
>get left for 1.2 or whatever?
> We should be able to put together a little Animate node
>with the same kind of concept as an LOD node. The only question on this
>node is that it starts to bring in the
simple engines from Inventor at
believe) the heart and soul of 2.0...
Who, truth to tell, cares far mor> about
2.0 than 1.1...