Re: Imminent death of the WWW (film at 11)

Gavin Doughtie ([email protected])
Sun, 18 Jun 95 14:08:10 Pacific Standard Time+0800

>JAVA is also important, but I am afraid
>standard, when superior technology is available (a similar, but
>conceptually superior technology is Phantom, for example). A great
>deal of energy (and money!) will be spent on it, one way or another...

Part of a technology, for better or worse, is the propagation. Often a survival trait of a technology is not superiority but its overall usefulness (DOS was more OS's available for the same hardware because hardware). I know nothing about Phantom, but is

* platform independent
* object-oriented
* distributed
* backed by a major company
* an open spec
* free

The marketplace job

Geez, THREE Gavins ******************************************************************************
* Gavin Doughtie [email protected] DEX Information Systems, Inc. *
* 818.577.0044 voice 818.577.0593 fax *
* "Those who know history are doomed to repeat it" -- Minsky *