Re: Imminent death of the WWW (film at 11)

Shawn T. Rutledge ([email protected])
Sat, 17 Jun 1995 18:20:07 -0500

this should have been posted to the list, not that donna
> >I think
> >object technologies, and in particular, CORBA. Using
> >would:
> >
> > 1) Give us a very powerful way of adding capabilities to browsers
> > (ie. we'd be moving closer to OpenDoc type functionality).
> > 2) Reducent for downloading
> > 3) Give us a completely open-ended, and extrem>ly powerful protocol.

Absolutely, you hit the head on the that came out I wrote them an email suggesting they exploit OLE in the Windows
version, sont at all, via an OLE-compliant
viewer, right into the. That way, an OLE-compliant Ghostscript, a postscript drawing would integrate into
the p the same way that jpegs window of their own, and without Netscape having to write and incorporate
their own postscript interpreter. With such an architecture there's no
end to the

But, you As I understand it OpenDoc promises the same features as OLE but isn't
proprietary, than MS....

But what

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