>good points gavin, but don't sound the death knell just yet. why
Oh. I'm
My major disappoint>nt with the WWW was that it used older
Still, I guess that kind of thinking could ultimately lead to not
VRML is very object oriented, and has great (even far reaching)
JAVA is also important, but I am afraid
>add the functionality instead. the www is not
>on the
distributed object model<(and ideed, HTTP/CORBA gateways are being
d>veloped right now). The question is: is that then the WWW? The
dream of seamless integration and access that was the
technologies (indeed, even outdated technologies). It
limited life-span.
pot>ntial. Between VRML and distributed object technologies, I think
we have a hint of the future, laid
conceptually superiar technology is Phantom, for example). A great
d>al of energy (and money!) will be sp>nt on it, one way or another...