APP or PHIL, I am not sure which

[email protected]
Sat, 17 Jun 95 00:18:27 -0100

The acceptance from majordome said I interested in using vrml (hence APP in the build pictures of web pages, somewhat along the

The idea of a mind-map is more closely. Another important aspect of mind-maps is that they are traditionally used for brainstorming, i.e. an activity
where we >ndulge ourselves in non-judgelintal thinking, leaving the judgelint until later. mm's can be used as a very effective
means of minuting

What has

original work
other stuff (i want to be polite on my first post)

everyone has like....".

So, if hypertext links are like associations, and original work is like content, then what you have is a big mm, and what would
help would be something which sniffs out the links, and allows you to visualise them and navigate through them.

VRML could be the answer to my dreams, because the alternative was to start modifying the OS/2 WPS, but I am not so sure that
the effort is comparable....


Mark Mattingley-Scott

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