>To see a gear produced with the GeneralizedCylinder node, check out:
> http://reality.sgi.com/employees/cmarrin_engr/vrml/
First off, let me say
(A) about CSG
What I want to be able to do is to "carve" out of simpler shapes, th>
(B) about the
The code for the torus is below that on the p. It reads:
GeneralizedCylinder {
What I want to be able to say
torus { major_radius, minor_radius }
and let the browser deal with the details...
>This is both a plug for GeneralizedCylinder and a statement that there are
surenough... mine are just suggestions, and the
crossSection [ 1 0, 0.932472 0 0.361241,
0.739009 0.673695, 0.445739 0.895163,
0.0922696 0.995734, -0.273662 0.961826,
-0.602633 0.798018, -0.850216 0.526434,
-0.982973 0.183752, -0.982974 -0.183747,
-0.850219 -0.52643, -0.602637 -0.798015,
-0.273666 -0.961825, -0.092272 -0.995734,
0.0922644 -0.995735, 0.445735 -0.895165,
0.739006 -0.673699, 0.932471 -0.361246,
1 0 ]
spine [ 1 0 0, 0.967295 0.253654 0,
0.871319 0.490717 0, 0.71835 0.695682 0,
0.518393 0.855142 0, 0.284528 0.958668 0,
-0.0960216 0.995379 0, -0.22252 0.974928 0,
-0.462537 0.8866 0, -0.6723 0.740279 0,
-0.761445 0.64823 0, -0.900968 0.433886 0,
-0.981559 0.191161 0, -0.997946 -0.0640676 0,
-0.949057 -0.315105 0, -0.83809 -0.545532 0,
-0.672303 -0.740276 0, -0.462542 -0.886598 0,
-0.222524 -0.974927 0, 0.0320475 -0.999486 0,
0.284524 -0.958669 0, 0.518389 -0.855145 0,
0.718346 -0.695686 0, 0.871316 -0.490722 0,
0.967294 -0.253659 0, 1 -5.07036e-06 0,
1 0 0 ]
>many ways to generate shapes. We need to distinguish between nice ways to
>generate objects and desirable ways to represent them in VRML
days of development.
Jeff Sonstein, M.A.
Networks Administrator
New College of California
50 Fell Street
San Francisco CA 94102
(415) 241-1302 ext 490
These are my opinions only, and do not reflect anything
about my employer, New College of California
Opinions 'R Us