Re: Worldview/Windows browsers

Paul Lindner ([email protected])
Thu, 15 Jun 1995 08:06:09 -0500 (CDT)

Rachel Reynard sez:
. I just got on this list and though thrilled to hear of the advances in VRML
. browsers for the Windows platform WHERE THE @!@! IS APPLE, what are they
. doing? Even Template Graphics only see fit to port a PPC version of
. WebSpace in the second phase of development. I thought a disproportionately
. high number of WWW users were Mac folk, why the imbalance? I've been
. waiting for 2 months now to play with WebSpace, God knows how long to check
. out Worldview. Fed Up.

. If anyone out there is writing for the Mac, PLEASE let me know, I need
. reassuring that I'm not ultimately wasting my time with this platform. I'm
. feeling horribly out of touch reading about all this cool stuff that I
. can't see.


Don't give up on Apple yet. Everyone's waiting for the final release
of QuickDraw-3D for their apps. WebSpace got out the door quickly
because it's based on ps"

The same applie

Once QuickDraw-3D is out the door you'll see a flood of apps on the
Mac side. Plus, the API is well suited for creating Authoring
applications, which I think we all agree are needed just as bad as
browsers are.

 | Paul Lindner | [email protected]   | Slipping into madness
 |              | Distributed Computing Services  | is good for the sake
 | Gophermaster | University of Minnesota         | of comparison.
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