Re: vrml file compression

James Waldrop ([email protected])
Mon, 12 Jun 1995 14:14:25 PDT

I looked at the source files in more detail and it turns out that
the degradation we were seeing was because of the reduction in points
of precision, not because of removing Normals. I think the problem
is probably one of scale.

Oh, and let me say that the LVS model of the theatre was by far the most
beautiful model of them all, in my opinion. Not only was it visually
stunning, but removing all the lights made it our fastest model as well
(LVS->VRML produces a file that is lit with colors, not lights).

Sorry for the confusion. I'm going to be playing with the LVS files
and seeing how many points of precision it takes to keep them looking good.


Chris Schoeneman wrote:
>Lightscape does NOT have this problem. It is essential for the
>radiosity solution that the faces have a consistent orientation.
>James, why don't you mail me directly to see if we can work out
>why you're having this problem.