Re: text scaling

Gavin Nicol ([email protected])
Tue, 6 Jun 1995 22:46:23 -0400

>I'd like to be able to scale the text in both absolute units
>and in relative units....

I imagined that text would be scaled to fit the size of the box it is
enclosed in. That box, in turn can be scaled based on other

>Can we add an option for other languages than those listed in Gavin's
>original message on text... I could use both runic and cherokee lettering,
>and I'm sure someone else could also use egyptian hyroglyphs, or

The languages list I presented comes from an ISO standard. I selected
it as just a simple core. We can expand it in any way we see fit.

I should note that the language tag is just a string, so anything is
allowed in there.