It is important to handle more complex data types to cut down on file
sizes. TriangleStripSet, QuadMesh, and Grid nodes all fall into this
catagory. Nurbs, while difficult to render, can also give great benefits.
But I don't think CSG is an appropriate candidate for a vrml primitive.
First of all, it is REALLY difficult and slow to compute. Also, you
would often send much more data with objects that need CSG operations
performed on them than you would if you sent over the resulting surface
CSG is a wonderful authoring tool, however. Several on the market can
produce inventor or another format that is readily converted into vrml.
-- chris marrin Silicon (415) 390-5367 Graphics ," [email protected] Inc. b` , ,,. mP b" , 1$' ,.` ,b` ,` :$$' ,|` mP ,` ,mm ,b" b" ,` ,mm m$$ ,m ,,`P$$ m$` ,b` .` ,mm ,.`'|$P ,|"1$` ,b$P ,,` :$1 b$` ,$: :,`` |$$ ,:` $$` ,|` ,$$,,`"$$ .` :$| b$| _m$`,:` :$1 ,:` ,$Pm|` ` :$$,..;"' |$: P$b, _;b$$b$1" |$$ ,,`` ,$$" ``' $$ ```"```'" `"` `""` ""` ,P` "As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell."-...-' - excerpt from "A Horror Movie Character's Survival Guide"