vrml browsers
[email protected]
Thu, 1 Jun 1995 09:48:47 -0400
Dear Daeron and the rest of the list. (Especially you browserbuilders) I have
a problem with opengl. The problem is that on PCs opengl tends to be slow (100
mhz p5 with 32 megs RAM) Now I do have a hardware accelerator for my Matrox
impression plus. At Matrox they are saying that they want to support opengl at
a future date however I should expect about 40k polys a seconf on that system.
Using the rendermorphics library I would (according to rendermorphics!) be
able to push 300k polys a sec (My pentium can benchmarked in C (haven't tried
asm) only push about 200k polys a sec). With such differences it makes me
wonder if it would be worth it to translate from opengl to rendermorphics
specs on the fly and use that.
NOTE: I may sound like an idiot here and i'm getting the specs right after I
wrote this letter. My impression is that vrml relies heavily on opengl if I'm
wrong; please don't flame; or ad me to any "dog"lists (I'm sensitive ;-) I'm
just fairly scatterbrained and if I don't post my thoughts when they come up I
might never do it.
[email protected]