Re: Common Objects

Mitra ([email protected])
Mon, 29 May 1995 19:20:27 -0700

At 4:46 PM 5/29/95, Andrew C. Esh wrote:
>Here's another idea: An Object Delivery Service. "Furniture of the Day".
>You designate certain objects as generic, and replace-able. Each day you
>wake up, and stroll into your space, and find a new couch and coffee
>table, with your familiar phone and teapot on it. This would be a great
>way to deliver regular updates to software (disks), newspapers, email, and
>other things. I could even train my electronic dog to go get the newspaper
>from the end of my virtual sidewalk.

HTTP already gives us this, the browser should use the IF-MODIFIED-SINCE
qualification when retrieving the object, then it will automatically bring
down new stuff if the server has a new version of the file.

- Mitra

Mitra [email protected]
Worlds Inc (415)281-1308
<> fax (415)284-9483