Re: Coordinate Systems

Jeff Sonstein ([email protected])
Tue, 23 May 1995 08:36:54 -0700

>Coordinate Systems, Standard Units
>The default coordinate system is a cartesian, right-handed,
>3-dimensional coordinate system. By default, objects are projected
>onto a 2-dimensional device by projecting them in the direction of the
>-Z axis, with the positive X axis to the right and the positive Y axis
>up (a camera or modeling transformation may be used to alter this
>default projection, of course).

thank you for the clarification...

> [...] Since no amount of arguing is going to
>resolve this issue, I suggest we take the easy way out and use the
>conventions described above (Y up, Z is out, distances are meters, rotations
>are radians) that are implicit in the existing VRML spec.

yes yes yes... my msg was for clarification, not argument (that's down the

Jeffrey Sonstein, M.A.
Networks Administrator
New College of California
50 Fell Street
San Francisco CA 94102
(415) 241 - 1302 ext 490