>How about adding a fourth axis - time ... just a thought...
Yes! Excellent idea! It should be included! Please!
I have been lurking for a while and following developments with great
interest. I have been working in the Database/Datamodelling field for the
last few years.
Relationships between bits of data (and links) do change over time. It would
be nice to be able to capture some history and allow the site to evolve over
>This would make it real easy to put scientific visualizations
>in the matrix... and also allow for some neat animation tricks,
>suck as a talkin head that appears when you've been at the site a
>little while... 4-vector forms of existing commands could just be
>added to the spec...
Sounds neat!
>You pop onto my home world and immediatly go to the door labeled
>...[gratuitous snip]...
>by your friendly neighborhood 4-vectors (and plastics.. don't forget
Sounds really neat! These issues seem to make it even more essential that
some local caching system is devised - the rendering on a 486DX4/100 under
NT is, well, it's like walking through treacle!
>that reminds me.. on the whole portal door thing... how about something
>like a wall that has a picture of the contents of the next link, as you
>get within 2 meters of the wall the next link is triggered.. something
>like this where entry into a region triggers a link would enable the
>construction of large open spaces, which you don't have to download the whole
>thing, just the sections you're going to...
This is a fantastic idea! This may need some smarts to assist with read-aheads?
>sorry if I'm unclear or rambling....
Not at all - one of the more most lucid descriptions I've seen.
Cheers from New Zealand - New home of the America's Cup!!!
Regards, Andrew.