>I just made an experiment in one of my web pages that might be of
>interest to some of you.
>I found a way to add a "sound-track" to this web page. Using
>"client-pull" techniques (see the "push-pull" docs at Netscape),
>specifically the META tag, I have an AU sound file automatically load 1
>second after your browser loads the page. I made a sound file that I
>thought captured the right atmosphere and it works like a charm!
The problem with the META REFRESH tag is that the interval you choose is
always guesswork. Right now, it's a chancy kludge.
This is a problem not only with HTML attempts with inline sound, but,
presumably, with VRML files.
If you pick too short an interval, the push of the AU will stop the rest of
the page from loading; too long an interval will ruin the effect..if indeed
the impatient Web-surfer sticks around.
Since we never know what the server load will be, the state of net.congestion,
the size of the ISP's pipe, or the user's modem speed, there is never a
I have discussed this with the people at Netcape, and now there is some talk
there of newer version of Netscape supporting STREAMING, or simulataneous
loading of HTML and sounds.
I say this with the voice of sad experience; all the nifty door-opening
sounds, etc. I planned for my CastleVoid walk-through have been scrapped.
voidmstr's law (tm): bandwidth expands to fit the waste available
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