I think having the simplest mechanism for inlined textures is best. You
can support several powerful compression schemes (jpeg, gif) in the
filename field.
> - WWWAnchor: the map SFEnum field should be: NONE, POINT, or TEXTURE,
> with TEXTURE appending the s and t values of the texture coordinates
> picked to the url. If the mapping function is to allow the equivalent of
> html-based image maps in vrml, then texture coordinates are much more
> useful that object space coordinates.
I like this idea. It would be easy to add and it would really make doing
an imagemap like function very simple. I've been concerned about this and
TEXTURE would solve the problem nicely. But perhaps map should be an
SFBitMask so POINT and TEXTURE could be passed separately. This way,
specifying just TEXTURE would return only 2 values, POINT would return 3,
and both would return 5 values.
But while this issue is on the floor. I've had a couple of requests for a
map type of NORMAL, which would return the object normal. This makes it a
bit easier to tell which surface of a cylinder or cube was touched, among
other things.
> - Field changes: Similar to how state parameters can be passed into
> URLs from forms, browsers should be able to handle URLs specified in
> the form:
> url?field=value&field2=value2&...&fieldn=valuen
I'd like to see this issue deferred till 1.1 - both because it's hard to
implement at this late stage and there are difficult issues relating to
-- chris marrin Silicon http://www.sgi.com/Products/WebFORCE/WebSpace (415) 390-5367 Graphics ," http://reality.sgi.com/employees/cmarrin/ [email protected] Inc. b` , ,,. mP b" , 1$' ,.` ,b` ,` :$$' ,|` mP ,` ,mm ,b" b" ,` ,mm m$$ ,m ,,`P$$ m$` ,b` .` ,mm ,.`'|$P ,|"1$` ,b$P ,,` :$1 b$` ,$: :,`` |$$ ,:` $$` ,|` ,$$,,`"$$ .` :$| b$| _m$`,:` :$1 ,:` ,$Pm|` ` :$$,..;"' |$: P$b, _;b$$b$1" |$$ ,,`` ,$$" ``' $$ ```"```'" `"` `""` ""` ,P` "As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell."-...-' - excerpt from "A Horror Movie Character's Survival Guide"